11 a.m. - 8 p.m.

  • Futurefarmers
  • Tijs Boelens/DeGroentelaar


From the Hinterland: Floating Food Delivery & Companion Logistics

Av. du Port 1, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique

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A monumental day for short-chain food transport. Organized by farmer Tijs Boelens with Koen Berghmans/Recyclo and Groot Eiland bike transport, twelve farms from the Pajottenland loaded their food onto our boat where it was sorted for stores, restaurants and collective kitchens. We traveled through 5 locks and to the K1 Kaai where 7 cargo bikes awaited us to be loaded and move the food into the city.

A beautiful synchronization of people, programs and boat crew!

On board:

Logistics Crew:

Tom Torbeyns, Captain/Farmer

Tijs Boelens, Farmer/Activist, DeGroentelaar, Farmer/Store Coordination

Amy Franceschini, Artist, Futurefarmers

Marthe Van Dessel, Sailor, Artist, ooooo.be

Élodie Mugrefya, Sailor/Researcher, Constant vzw, Brussels


Sandrine Vokaer, Coordinator, Good Food, Shifting Economy, Leefmilieu Brussel

Julie Vanderhaeghen, Atelier Cartographique, Brussels

Thomas Derveaux, Shifting Economy Strategy, Bruxelles Environnement

Jan Pille, Development of Agriculture in Brussels at Bruxelles Environnement

Nele Sergeant, Dept. Mobility, Bruxelles Environnement

Onland: Bicycle Logistics

Koen Berghmans, Coordinator, Recyclo, Urban Wasteflows, Brussels

Maarten Dieryck, Coördinator Stadslandbouw- en Groenprojecten, Groot Eilans

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