noon - 2 p.m.

  • Futurefarmers
  • Tijs Boelens/DeGroentelaar
  • ooooo.be
  • Gosie Vervloessem


A Movement of Apples

K1: Rue Picard / Havenlaan, Brussels, BE

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12h at K1

A cloud of apples floats into the belly of Brussels upon a fantastical wooden boat. Not just any apples, these are the apples of Danny Billens in Pajottenland whose entire crop was struck by a hail storm knocking all of the apples to the ground. A troupe of messengers met the arrival with ready hands to move the apples in a hand-to-hand network from our boat to the organic food cooperative, Groot Eiland – a call to action to Brussels' inhabitants, Co-ops, Good Food Brussels, Good Move Regional Mobility Plan and policy makers to set in motion a reconnection to food systems that respect humans and other species, regenerate biodiversity and a just economy.

Orbiting around us:
Buratinas: A small solar-powered boat. A project of Nadine.
Music: Francesca Chiacchio & Mott flyf
Mobile Apple Press: Fruitdas
Bicycle Transport: Recyclo + Groot Eiland

At Groot Eiland the apples will be pressed into juice to flow through our bodies and into bottles to move further on...

Francesca Chiacchio & Mott Flyf - Blue - Berry

Since 2017, Francesca Chiacchio and Mott Flyf have been developing a project entitled MANTRA POP SONGS, which brings together 3 pieces including Bleu-Berry. Their universe lies somewhere between performance and pop show. It plays on the repetitive side of pop music by integrating a didactic aspect in the form of visual karaoke. Each time, the audience is invited to take hold of the piece in one way or another.

Médiatheque Nghe & Buratinas
Buratinas is a small solar-powered boat that functions as a short-term residency space for artists. For A Movement of Apples, the boat will be occupied by the Médiatheque Nghe, which will broadcast music from its collection along the canal via a handheld gramophone, which operates without electricity.

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