noon - 1 p.m.

  • Futurefarmers
  • Tijs Boelens/DeGroentelaar
  • ooooo.be
  • Gosie Vervloessem


A Movement of Apples

K1: Rue Picard / Havenlaan, Brussels, BE

image description

A cloud of apples floats into the belly of Brussels upon a majestic wooden boat. Arriving from Pajottenland, these apples come with farmers and stories of strange weather.

A Movement of Apples invokes a chain of people to move a mountain of apples in a (short) chain of people. Passed from hand to hand these apples will move from K1 to Groot Eiland where they will be pressed into juice to flow through our bodies and into bottles to move further on...

This is a call to action to Brussels' inhabitants, Co-ops, Good Food Brussels, Good Move Regional Mobility Plan and policy makers to intensify and support agroecological production in Brussels and its surrounding areas. This requires a structural shift in mobility. Let our moving bodies cast a tranformative spell upon our food system towards a model that respects humans and other species, regenerates biodiversity and supports a just economy.

Music: Francesca Chiacchio & Mott flyf Mobile Apple Press: Fruitdas Bicycle Transport: Recyclo + Groot Eiland